youtube-dl Web Interface

After around 3.5 years of running this interface, I've decided to shut it down. This was done for a few reasons; the server-side code was a mess and difficult to manage, it was difficult to keep up with youtube-dl (and later yt-dlp) updates, there was a good amount of people abusing the frontend, it was constantly blocked by major services (largely due to said abuse), and better solutions have been made available since I started running this.

The iOS shortcut is no longer available. For your web-based downloading needs, I recommend cobalt; it has a simple/clean interface, supports downloading from nearly all of the major platforms, has all sorts of options, and even has an API. Consider it as a sort of spiritual successor. (Using yt-dlp itself from the console isn't a bad idea either.)

Thank you to those who used this interface over the years. ❤️

- Essem